好久好久没有吃到妈妈的娘惹粽了! 有别于平常的肉粽, 妈的娘惹粽无法在外头买到, 所以异常的想念. 在端午节前, 忍不住打电话向妈妈撒娇, 告诉她我好想吃娘惹粽.. 没想到妈妈告诉我她会来吉隆玻, 可以带粽子来给我!! 吔!!! 好开心可以吃到久违的娘惹粽, 更开心可以见到妈妈..
It’s been years I didn’t get to eat my mum’s Nyonya dumpling. Really miss it, as it’s different with normal dumpling and can’t buy it elsewhere. So happy that my mum told me she will come KL and she can bring me the Nyonya dumpling! Horray!! I’m not only can eat Nyonya dumpling and can meet my mum..
看..这就是我妈的娘惹粽了! 虽然妈妈放我鸽子没来, 但她交代我的好友把粽子带给我..
Even though at the end my mum didn’t come to KL, but she passed it to my best friend to bring it to me.. See, this is my mum’s Nyonya dumpling..

Touching .. The dumpling is also very nice!!

娘惹粽的特别处是它的陷料..除了猪肉,栗子和香菇之外, 妈的温暖牌娘惹粽还加了磨碎了的香料和虾米… 至于是什么香料…秕密! (其实我不知道! 哈哈!)
Other than pork, chestnut and mushroom, my mum’s nyonya dumpling also added with rempah ingredient (some secret spice powder) and dry shrimp…

谢谢妈妈, 好爱你哦!!!
Thanks and Love you mum!!!
It’s been years I didn’t get to eat my mum’s Nyonya dumpling. Really miss it, as it’s different with normal dumpling and can’t buy it elsewhere. So happy that my mum told me she will come KL and she can bring me the Nyonya dumpling! Horray!! I’m not only can eat Nyonya dumpling and can meet my mum..
看..这就是我妈的娘惹粽了! 虽然妈妈放我鸽子没来, 但她交代我的好友把粽子带给我..
Even though at the end my mum didn’t come to KL, but she passed it to my best friend to bring it to me.. See, this is my mum’s Nyonya dumpling..
Touching .. The dumpling is also very nice!!
娘惹粽的特别处是它的陷料..除了猪肉,栗子和香菇之外, 妈的温暖牌娘惹粽还加了磨碎了的香料和虾米… 至于是什么香料…秕密! (其实我不知道! 哈哈!)
Other than pork, chestnut and mushroom, my mum’s nyonya dumpling also added with rempah ingredient (some secret spice powder) and dry shrimp…
谢谢妈妈, 好爱你哦!!!
Thanks and Love you mum!!!
can i have one??? Pos Laju, DHL or FedEx me one nyonya dumpling =p
After i Poslaju to you, are you sure you still dare to eat? lol..
I feel like crying when I see this pic.. I miss my grandma's bak chang.. My grandma home made nyonya bak chang.. Unfortunately she didn't do it this year.. Sigh.. I miss my home.. =(
Jessey... Don't cry dear..Ask your grandma do it on next dumpling festival.. This year got 2 "Duan Wu Jie" rite?
BTW, is your grandma nyonya bak chang same as my mum one?
Two "Duan Wu Jie" this year? I donno ler.. When is the next?
My grandma bak chang almost the same as your mom one, but she put lots of fried peanut and pork meat with black soy sauce.. Oh, the fried peanut is "压碎了的花生".. ^^
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